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Selectmen Minutes 04/08/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Member Present: Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Jim Plunkett, Patrick Clarke, John Martell, Alan Quimby, John Freeman, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Philip Hitchcock, Betty Thompson, Steve Stock, Ann Davis, Jason Weir, Darren

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm


Department Heads

Building: John Freeman informed the board 6 permits have been issued and one was for a $200,000 addition on Garvin Hill Road.
Police: Chief Clarke gave quotes for the cruiser up fitting to the Board. The cruiser will not be ready until June but equipment takes a long time to order. I would like to let the vendor know.

Beliveau        $4,937.00
Ossipee Mountain        $2,843.85
2Way Fleet      $3,058.69

Chief Clarke recommended moving forward with 2Way Fleet as they warranty the equipment for life.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the bid of the cruiser up fitting purchase and installation to 2-Way Communication Services Inc, $3,058.69.

Motion Passes.

Emergency Management: N/A       

Fire: Chief Quimby informed the board all vehicles are operating and going well. I have sent out the state specifications for the pricing on the forestry vehicle. All three quotes included a plow. This is for your review. Grappone has state bid.

Grappone                        $27,842
Berlin Ford                     $35,975
Berlin Ford                     $36,205

The board will hold off on the decision until Mr. Paveglio is here.

Mr. DeBold will call the school regarding the parking.

Forest Fire: Steve Stock informed the board that spring brush fire season has started. There have been to outdoor fires one being an illegal fire on Blackmen Road and another on Lane Road. Chief Quimby saved the barn on the fire on Lane Road. I am ordering the five lengths of hose.

Mr. Stock reviewed the skid unit bids.

Kimtek Corporation              $10,775
National Firefighter            $14,335
Wildland Warehouse              $13,850
Wildland Warehouse              $  8,994

The board will hold off on the decision until Mr. Paveglio is here.

Mr. Stock recommend Kimtek as they have had experience with their products. Mr. Stock offered to go pick it up.

Highway: Jim Plunkett informed the board the department has been working on filling potholes, hot top and gravel. The grader is getting fixed. Unstuck a couple of broken culverts. Turned in the steel that was around the shed. I would like to get rid of some of the excess equipment that I have such as 2 sanders I would like to sell these at Whites Farm or sealed bid. 2 big sanders; 1 little sander and 1 -10 foot plow. I would like to purchase a small sander for the pickup truck.

Road Agent can seal bid to sell the items.

Hillard Road Culvert application is almost completed. I have one thing from CLD that I need and I have to call the head of the mitigation in Boston to answer one question.
Paving bid specs are almost done for the road segments for this year. We are hoping to follow this schedule, May 1st having the RFP ok’d and bid would then go out May 15th. Then maybe the end of May to award the bid with a completion date of August 15.

Library: Lucille Noel informed the board of the busy schedule in April. Meeting room is booked solid. 4/12 Kids movie Frozen, National Library Week, scavenger hunt. School Vacation World Book night 4/23; 4/26 seasonal book sale. We have 14 candidates that have turned in applications for the aid position.
7:00pm – Second Public Hearing on the sale/transfer of rights to a portion of range way  located on Map 7 Lot 4 pursuant to RSA 41:14-a

Open public hearing at 7:09pm

Mr. DeBold stated I have not heard anything negative about this from the board. I want to open this to public comment.

Lucill Noel asked what is length of this range way?

Jason Weir stated I believe it is a half a mile.

Mr. DeBold stated we already have a roadway that exists now. In my opinion we are transferring a portion of the range way that we would never use.

Mr. Jordan stated I agree.

Close the public hearing 7:14pm

General Business/Board Discussion

Tax Deeding

Map 3 Lot 15 -18  -Mobile Home Owned $2,549.

Kelly McFarland non-payment of 2011 taxes. The town has an agreement

A motion was by Mr. Debold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the tax deed as presented by the Tax Collector. Motion Passes.


A motion was made by Mr. and seconded by Mr. to accept the Assessor’s recommendation on the following abatements:

Map 3 Lot 39 abate the amount of $61,100 in assessed value
Map 9 Lot 113-C abate the amount of $87,400 in assessed value
Map 3 Lot 22-1 abate the amount of $32,400 in assessed value
Map 7 Lot 34 abate the amount of $100,000 in assessed value
Map 2 Lot 21 abate the amount of $50,200 in assessed value
Map 10 Lot 15 abate the amount of $38,100 in assessed value
Map 4 Lots 55 & 56 abate the amount of $28,400 in assessed value
Map 4 Lot 166 abate the amount of $36,200 in assessed value
Map 4 Lot 157 abate the amount of $312,200 in assessed value
Map 4 Lot 53 to deny the abatement request
Map 3 Lot 23 to deny the abatement request. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to appoint Ann Davis, Dawn Marshall, and Lucille Noel as full members of the Heritage Commission. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to appoint Patty Humphrey and Robert McAnney as alternate members of the Heritage Commission. Motion Passes

Public Input:
Philip Hitchcock – Does the town carry the rider for insurance for old home day? For everything that goes on during this event? The reason I wanted to know is because of the park and recreation.

Ann Davis – Has anyone contacted the town hall in being on the agricultural committee? Jeff needs to be reappointed. During the Backyard gardening workshop we had people from 7 different towns including Concord that attended. Next Wednesday is our agriculture meeting.

Lucille Noel – At the Charrette meeting we had a pretty good turnout at the Planning Board.  I think the Planning Board does understand what it is about. We got an additional $300 in donations. Next step is to send out pledge sheets to each board asking them to send these out and see if they can assist in raising money. April 24th the NH Perservation Alliance is coming here to hold a meeting on Barn Easements. I would encourage everyone to attend.

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 7:46pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair   D. Michael Paveglio             Jeffrey Jordan